disputing hands on training myth

Disputing the Hands on Training Myth

If you have heard phrases like ‘You need to be in the studio to learn’, ‘You must have a mixing board and record in a sound proofed studio’, ‘In order to learn, you need someone to show you how the studio works’, then you have crossed paths with the Hands on Training Myth.

These are common misconceptions, however, hands on training is when you are alone in your studio, on a deadline. You do not have time for writer’s block, issues in your studio or time to doubt yourself. It’s very simple, either you get radio ready results in your studio or you don’t.

What Hands on Training IS NOT:
Hands on training IS NOT when you sit in a studio tweaking knobs and playing with faders.
Hands on training IS NOT when you look over an instructor or tutors shoulder.
Hands on training IS NOT when you sit in a classroom with a workstation.

It’s quite possible the hands on training myth is blocking you from achieving your dreams.
Anyone can go to a classroom or listen to an instructor but that doesn’t mean you learn anything.

Here’s how to know if you have been duped by the Hands on Training Myth.
“How come when I get ‘Hands On’ with my equipment I still have questions?”
“Why am I in the studio for 8-10 hours and my music is still not finished?”
“Why have I been doing music for years and getting no where?”
I can only learn if someone teaches me or if I watch a video tutorial.
I have to much to do to slow down and read. I don’t like reading.

What Hands on Training IS:
Hands on training is being alone, in your own studio, using the gear you have.
Hands on training is when you complete a project to the ‘radio ready’ industry standard on a deadline ALONE.

How the Process Works: The hands on training process consists of 3 simple steps:
1) Learn. You first must learn what to do, where to go, what to listen for, etc.
2) Apply. You must take what you have learned and make it yours. The only way to do this is applying it.
3) Ask Questions. Keep asking questions on a specific subject until you have no more.

When you use these 3 steps, the process of hands on training becomes a simple solution that can be utilized anywhere at any time. This requires that you read, study, grow and stretch yourself. You must educate yourself no matter how you learn. This is the only way you can achieve your dreams in every moment of the day.

The Computer Music Production School first gives you the knowledge and education to know what to do when you work in any studio with any gear. You have to know what you’re doing before you can get your ‘Hands in it’. When you sit in a studio, where do you start? How do you know your finished?
Secondly, CMPS gives you 24/7 Hands on Training so your education stays in your long term memory.
Last of all you have one-on-one student adviser support to help you every step of the way and to answer all your questions.

You can become a music producer and audio engineer in as little as 7 weeks, 7 months or take as long as you need. You can then produce and record as many albums as you like for the rest of your life.

If there is anything we can help you with, setup a free training consultation below.

become a talent plus person

Become a Talent Plus Person in the Music Industry

Everyone I know has talent. The guy who mows my lawn has a talent for edging. My brother has an intuitive talent with guitar. My mom has an almost bizarre talent with plants. I have many talents in the area of music and business administration and my wife, has a creative talent for cooking. But what makes someone take their talent and turn it into a career? Although my wife loves cooking, she’s told me she’d never want to make a business out of it because when it comes down to it, cooking is manual labor. Although she is talented at it, she’s just not passionate enough about it to put in the every day hard work it takes to establish it as a career. No, she loves her talent for singing and songwriting so much more….that she will sacrifice other talents to focus all her energy on one area of talent: Music.

It all comes down to two words: Love and Sacrifice.

In order to take a talent, and make it into a career you have to love it and you have to sacrifice. You have to love using that talent so much that you are willing to sacrifice money, free time with friends, other talents, opportunities, movies, tv time, partying and sometimes….ego and pride.

What are you sacrificing to bring your own talent to life?

Going back to John Maxwell’s 13 characteristics we covered in the Music
Article Talent is Never Enough, I want to take it a step further. Go over these again
and see how these characteristics benefit your specific talent.

1. Belief lifts your talent.
2. Passion energizes your talent.
3. Initiative activates your talent
4. Focus directs your talent.
5. Preparation positions your talent.
6. Practice sharpens your talent.
7. Perseverance sustains your talent.
8. Courage tests your talent.
9. Teach-ability expands your talent.
10. Character protects your talent.
11. Relationships influence your talent.
12. Responsibility strengthens your talent.
13. Teamwork multiplies your talent.

“Make these choices, and you can become a talent-plus person. If you have talent, you stand alone. If you have talent plus, you stand out.”

How do you make dedicated choices, day after day…month after month, year after year until you have accomplished your dreams? Continual sacrifice. Being able to say ‘No’ to the things that distract you from your talent and courageously say ‘Yes!!!’ to the things that align you with your talent, even if they scare you. I can honestly say, that I have sacrificed a lot in this music journey to get where I am today. And I am so glad I did. I’ve read hundreds of books on music & business, I’ve tore my hair out trying to figure out computer glitches and errors, I’ve sweated and labored over a mix to get it just right, I’ve had to learn leadership skills to delegate and put together a staff of sound engineers, I’ve spent countless hours on the phone mentoring young musicians and have become a better person because of it.

You just don’t wake up one day a successful person. No, it takes continual sacrifice and continual effort. But the rewards…. Ahhh, they are priceless indeed. And that’s why I wrote this course, so that others that love music can benefit from my sacrifice. It took over 13 years to write this course so other musicians that struggle with mixing and mastering could learn engineering and production quicker and with an experienced hand and ear to receive results and rewards faster.

I can tell you without boasting that I am not just talented, I’m a talent-plus person who is successful at what he does. It took time, persistence and sacrifice to have a value that others are attracted to and makes me stand out in a crowd. Are you a talent plus person or just someone with a talent; Do you stand out in a crowd? Or do you blend in trying to do what everyone else is doing?


Everyone and their mother seems to be doing music these days – how will you stand a chance with all the competition?

“Become a talent plus person. If you do, you will add value to yourself, add value to others, and accomplish much more than you dreamed was possible.”

Learn who you are creatively and how to use your unique talent and do what you want musically for the rest of your life.

If there is anything we can help you with, setup a free training consultation below.

talent is never enough

Talent is Never Enough

I meet people every day that have big dreams and visions. Our studio is continually flooded with calls asking the similar questions day after day.. ‘Everyone tells me my music is great but..’, ‘I’ve been in this music game since..’, ‘I have been working hard but haven’t..’, ‘How do I get results..The results I want?’

From personal experience and from many people I speak to, I have found something in common. If you’re not where you want to be and nothing is changing in your life, there is some piece of information you’re missing.

I read a book recently that really brought this point to life, the title? ‘Talent is Never Enough’ by John Maxwell. In his book, Maxwell echoes teachings of the Computer Music Production School and outlines thirteen characteristics which must be coupled with intelligence and talent in order to reach long-term success.

Belief, Passion, Initiative, Focus, Preparation, Practice, Perseverance, Courage, Teach-ability,
Character, Relationships, Responsibility, Teamwork

What makes you stand out from the rest? What motivates you every day to get up and chip away obstacles to get at your dream? Do you have positive self esteem to plunge forward never looking back or doubting yourself? How can you use every talent and resource you have, be it music, production chops, writing ability or a side business selling plastic frogs on ebay?

LOL, seriously though, how can you make it all come together for the completion and the attainment of one thing: Your passion/purpose in life?

The first thing that helps is doing research and finding what you’re purpose is – I’m not just talking about your music purpose but your passion/purpose in life. Now if you do know what you’re passion/purpose is, are you doing it to the best of your ability so when you look back 60-80 years from now you can think, “Yeah…I did everything I wanted to do…I lived an awesome life and I have no regrets!”

I don’t know about you, but I want to be one of those people. I want to say I did everything I wanted to do AND …I surprised myself. I HAVE accomplished more, gave more and helped more. I stood for more and I pushed myself passed what I thought I could do and I’m so glad I did..

I was amused when I first read over these characteristics because all of these elements are in our course. The Computer Music Production 7 Lesson Course will help you learn how to learn; which is teach-ability. This course develops your character and encourages responsibility by asking questions and working through each lesson until its complete. Following through with each lesson will strengthen your focus and build your courage as you face and learn things that most people have a lot of fear around. It takes perseverance to get through all 7 lessons and each home work exercise will get you to practice and hone your new learned skills that will excite a new found passion in you.  You’ll gain an initiative that you didn’t even know you were capable of. And when you’re done with each home work assignment you’ll send it to your personal student adviser who will teach you about business relationships and teamwork. And, after you are done with the course, you will have a new found belief in yourself.

This, my friend…is priceless. Your dream deserves preparation. Your dream deserves your commitment. We have so much knowledge about the music industry, technology and the creative process we are just looking for strong individuals to pour into.

“People who neglect to make the right choices to release and maximize their talent continually underperform. Their talent allows them to stand out, but their wrong choices make them sit down. Their friends, families, coaches and bosses see their giftedness, but they wonder why they so often come up short of expectations. Their talent gives them opportunity, but their wrong choices shut the door. Talent is a given, but you must earn success.”

Are you one of the few who has the guts to admit that you need help? We can’t do the work for you… but we can give you the tools and an opportunity. Don’t wait. Learning production is just the beginning of a successful career and talent is never enough..

Tutorial: Talent is Never Enough
1) If you’re interested in more details about the topic, check out the book, audio cd or kindle edition by John Maxwell: Talent Is Never Enoughblank
2) Do you know your passion/purpose in life? This is the core of who you are. You have talents that can help you achieve your goals. However, if you don’t know what they are, you’re missing out on skills that can help propel you forward.. and faster. Do a search on tests that can help you find your passions. In the meantime, read over and answer these 7 Questions to finding your True Passions
3) Are there production, mixing, mastering skills, talents, business development, promotion, networking that you know are not the best of what you have to offer give – what are you missing? Make a list of what you are missing. From there, research how you can learn or find the right people to help you in these areas.

If you need consulting on figuring what you’re missing or how to develop the skills to achieve your passions, contact us and