Often along the way we can forget why we are in this music thing. Why do we persevere through hard ships and annoyances? Why do we lust after gear and have a constant thirst for knowledge? Why do we sit through long hours of editing vocal tracks so they are perfect, and just right? And all the marketing, self promotion and boring business administration can leave us numb as we ask ourselves, “Why am I really doing this?” The answer is different for all of us but all musicians/artist can relate to this one simple truth:
Music is meant to inspire.
Let me remind you, that the things we all go through whether it is lonely heart-break, economic struggles, political unrest, or health problems, someone out there needs to hear what you have to say on the subject. Often times, when I’m challenged by something, I go to my guitar or drum machine and after playing a few chords I can be real with myself and suddenly all these lyrics come typing or scribbling out of nowhere. Sometimes though and I don’t mind admitting, it takes some time to sit down and write that song because I know I will have to face what I am feeling.. but therein lies the true purpose for music.
When we write and create, something inside of us heals. When those song phrases are formed a deep longing in our hearts is satiated. We can sigh a breath of relief as melody and rhythm soothe our agitated souls. The true miracle in all this is that something we do for our own sakes and our own desire can deeply affect others in a massive scale. If you are a really good songwriter or producer you have the ability to compose a piece that will draw others into what you are feeling and thinking. In turn, this mirrors the fact that we all feel and think the same things, have the same emotions, joys and hurts. This common thread keeps us together as humanity fights to tear us apart. We are all so different but inside we are very much the same.
So, I’m writing this to encourage you. No matter where you are in life and what you’re going through, the world needs to hear your unique contribution, your unique perspective and touch. That is why we go through all the drama, the up-hill battles, the critiques and the demos. We are meant to capture and comment on life. We are meant to live our lives to the fullest, breathe it in and record it. Feel it, experience it, and then perform it. Not everyone can do this! And I know sometimes it’s easy to forget but if you have been blessed by music talent than you have an obligation to the world. You have been put on this earth to inspire people with your creativity. Good music brings us all together in harmony and makes us feel like we’re not alone. This is exactly what this world needs more of..
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