
Dance Music Production Tutorial DVD

The second DVD tutorial on producing dance music from dancemusicproduction.com. This video is a lower quality than on the DVD for internet playback purposes….


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How much do you normally pay to spend 3 hours with professionals then lol.
I bought this last week and haven’t stopped watching it since. Its really
interesting watching them work through it and I’ve learnt loads already.
Its well worth it IMO.


whats wrong with logic and mac ? haha its one of the best DAWs man ha


“DMP are taking pre-orders for the DVD” Looking on the website now and I
see no evidence of this.


Could you post the link for this? I want to make sure I get the right one.


the DVD is way too expensive :/


Good idea here. What software does it feature?


I saw it. It´s a great DVD for learning production technique. So I can
recommend it. I just find that produced track unbelievably uninspired. Just
as uninspired as it´s name “Sunset”. It´s pure handcraft and zero art/soul.
Petty Trance from the assembly line. Music like this killed what trance
once was. I´d rather listen to tracks with a much worse sound but with
spirit in it.


@logybear86 u are retard, simple as that.


I’m looking for feedback on my first attempt, check out my channel. Tips
would be helpful, thanks!


you can do this sort of music with any daw, absolutely any daw, Logic
doesent have any special feature that other daws dont have, its very
porwerfull thats true.


Dude’s.. Is won’t matter what sequencers its done on. It looks like logic
but a sequencer is a sequencer. Anything done on logic can be done in
cubase/sonar/nuendo etc. etc.


…not even gonna read other responses, But i can tell there are alot of
nube/wanna be producers talkin trash about this video. I dont even make
trance (jus saying…i know that doesnt matter) This guys videos LITERALLY
changed my view in the studio ‘More than a few times. He knows what works
and doesnt go over any repetitive stuff from youtube. The one on DRUMS
seriously moved me up like 3 levels in Beat making. i dont need to use
loops @all anymore, and thats how you get your own sound.


wow cant wait to have it I read the book and i loved it


@Keysforge What? Can you even read? VSTs are synthesizers in their own
right. They fall under the definition of a musical instrument. There is no
such thing as a real instrument, it’s either an instrument or it is not.


Very impressive but i prefer real instruments no software.


@logybear86 Cuz, ignorant shits love to act like they know it all man…
Fuck that dude.. Also, people like to hate on shit, that in they in fact
like, but wont openly admit to it. I don’t get this shit to this day.
People and their music preferences. Thinking they like and listen to best
shit ever.. I’d like to beat them over the fuckin head with the best shit


@logybear86 Music is a language, VST is the easy way to make loops no music
and cheapest and the products are something like the low profile cheap
dirty rap only insulting and saying embarrassing phrases in an constant two
measures loop, two measures in the best case. If you don’t seat you ass,
learn notation and some instrument practice you are not a musician, you are
a cheap lazy pretender.


Where can I get the DVD from? I looked at the store and says its sold out?
Is that the wrong dvd?


@Keysforge Real instruments? So you’re saying synthesizers aren’t
instruments? If so, that’s a pretty stupid thing to say.